AutoStart Software
More and more software publishers are adding their own updaters and starting them at boot time. Every time new software is installed on a computer, the slower it boots. A small business might be okay with this because it helps them keep up-to-date with the software, but within an enterprise that uses ConfigMgr, there is little need for these extra apps to slow down a computer. Removing additional software at boot time means that a computer boots faster in Windows and this ultimately makes end-users happy.
This report-set shows you exactly what software is setup to automatically start at boot time and, more importantly, what method is making the software start-up. There are four possibilities: PC Registry, User Registry, the All Users Startup folder or the User’s Startup folder. Now, instead of looking in all four places, you know precisely where to disable the app’s automatic start-up.
These are the reports in this set:
• AutoStart Software
• List of Computers by Product and Startup Type
• Computer AutoStart Software Details
All three reports are described below along with report screenshots of both Power BI and SSRS versions.
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