Endpoint Insights - Device Warranty
Endpoint Insights – Device Warranty’s (formerly Warranty Information Reporting – WIR) powerful engine delivers comprehensive reports to System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr / SCCM) in less than one hour.
Know the warranty status, service level, and expiry date of each computer (laptop, notebook, desktop, and server) on the network.
When you install Endpoint Insights – Device Warranty’s software, your computer warranty data automatically downloads directly from the manufacturer. Having this process automated drastically cuts the costs of the inventory process. Additionally, Endpoint Insights – Device Warranty is capable of retrieving warranty information from multiple computer manufacturers.
Initial Rollout (10 Articles)
During the site server setup a Warranty Information Reporting (WIR) package, which includes two programs, is created. Before warranty data can be collected from your clients, this package must be deployed/advertised out through Configuration Manager. We recommend staggering the rollout to ensure that WIR does not overload any part of your network (routers, switch, firewall, internet, etc.), your ISP, or the manufacturer’s website.
Reference (7 Articles)
Reports (22 Articles)
Sample Output (12 Articles)
Please note: not all supported manufactures’ sample outputs are displayed in this section. If you would like to see a sample output for a manufacturer not shown here, please contact Support@Enhansoft.com.
Troubleshooting (8 Articles)
Using Warranty Information Reporting (18 Articles)
WIR Query (2 Articles)
The WIR query (WIR_Query) is designed to show all computers that need to have their warranty details checked or re-checked. There are several reasons why a computer will fall into this query, including:
- WIR was never run on this computer.
- This is the first-step (registration phase) of a two-step process to have warranty details collected.
- There are network connection issues between the WIR client and the web service.
A collection should be created using this query. Additionally, either a weekly or daily deployment should be configured in order to deploy the WIR (auto) ConfigMgr program to this collection. This is recommended for a variety of reasons, including collecting warranty details for new computers and/or completing the second phase process for Microsoft and Apple computers.
1 Article