Computer Recently Used Application Details
This report can either be directly executed, or you can drill through to it from the Recently Used Application Details report. There are many uses for this report, including determining what software needs to be installed on a new computer, or seeing what software was last used by a user. These details, all in one handy report, will help you make the most out of your IT licensing budget by allowing you to recoup unused licenses.
All of the information for this report is tied directly to SCCM’s Asset Intelligence (AI). AI’s recently used application details (product name, product version, last used by user name, last date used and time, and the number of days since the product was last used) are reproduced and refined in this report.
Are you unsure if you have SCCM’s Asset Intelligence feature enabled? No problem. Read this easy step-by-step guide, How to Setup, Configure and Use SCCM’s Asset Intelligence, by our Chief Architect, Garth Jones. Garth says that, “This underused feature can be enabled within a few minutes.”
Note: By default, recently used application details are only stored for 90 days before being removed from the SCCM database. As such, if a software title is NOT listed in this report, it means that it has not been used in 90+ days. In the screenshot below, you can see that this computer used 445 software titles in the last 90 days.