Count of Computers Missing Software Updates by Classification
This report provides a count of missing software updates by classification. To easily understand the number of Computers affected by each missing software update, review the Computer Count column which lists the total number of computers affected. You can also use the handy interactive feature to re-order this listing as you see fit. You can also re-order this report by article ID, article name, bulletin ID, and update classification.
Similar to the Overall Missing Software Update Status by Classification and Overall Software Update Status Dashboard reports, you can employ three different report parameters to select the collection to display, the software update deployed state, and the software update classification that you want to view.
However, when you are drilling through to this report from Overall Missing Software Update Status by Classification, only the classification selected will pass through to Count of Computers Missing Software Updates by Classification. The exception to this rule is Installed Classification. If this classification is selected, then the Count of Computers Missing Software Updates by Classification will display all selected classifications with a deployed state of Yes; all other report parameters will naturally flow to Count of Computers Missing Software Updates by Classification. These report parameters, however, can always be re-set.
Use the collection report parameter to select the device collection you want to review (All Systems Collection, etc.).
The deployed state report parameter allows you to select the deployed state of the software update.
The deployed states are as follows:
- Yes – The effected software update IS deployed within your environment
- No – The effected software update is NOT deployed within your environment
- Both
The classification report parameter enables you to select which software update classification to display within the report. The update classifications are listed in order of severity: Critical Updates, Security Updates, Definition Updates, Service Packs, Update Roll-ups, Updates, Tools, and Feature Packs. Click here to read more about update classifications.
For more detailed information about a specific software update, simply click on any row to drill through to List of Computers with a Particular Software Update.