Software Inventory
This category of dashboards and reports will provide you with details about your software inventory in order for you to understand it better.
.NET Power BI Dashboard (3 Articles)
This Power BI dashboard focuses on the .NET versions installed in your environment.
Asset Intelligence Dashboard (3 Articles)
The Asset Intelligence Power BI Dashboard leverages Microsoft’s Asset Intelligence Catalog. This catalog has over 300,000 software titles according to the online documentation! Since SCCM administrators can submit new software titles via the Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, the catalog is continually growing.
AutoStart Software (6 Articles)
More and more software publishers are adding their own updaters and starting them at boot time. Every time new software is installed on a computer, the slower it boots. A small business might be okay with this because it helps them keep up-to-date with the software, but within an enterprise that uses ConfigMgr, there is little need for these extra apps to slow down a computer. Removing additional software at boot time means that a computer boots faster in Windows and this ultimately makes end-users happy.
This report-set shows you exactly what software is setup to automatically start at boot time and, more importantly, what method is making the software start-up. There are four possibilities: PC Registry, User Registry, the All Users Startup folder or the User’s Startup folder. Now, instead of looking in all four places, you know precisely where to disable the app’s automatic start-up.
These are the reports in this set:
• AutoStart Software
• List of Computers by Product and Startup Type
• Computer AutoStart Software Details
All three reports are described below along with report screenshots of both Power BI and SSRS versions. -
PowerShell Inventory Reports (4 Articles)
Why should you care about different PowerShell versions? There are many reasons, but the most important one involves SCCM current branch’s new feature, CMPivot. Why, you ask? Several CMPivot features only work when PowerShell 5.0 or later is installed on the computer, so these PowerShell inventory reports list all of the computers that need to be upgraded to PowerShell 5.0.
This report set inventories three main items: PowerShell version, PowerShell runtime version, and compatible versions of PowerShell. If you would like to learn more about the different versions of PowerShell, please see this PowerShell Wikipedia page.
Below are screenshots of the three reports in this set. They drill through from top to bottom.
26 Articles